— Work with me-

The Mindset Reset Program

1:1 Personalized Mindfulness, Meditation, & Breathwork Coaching

Does this sound familiar?
Now imagine this...

Feel peace, clarity, and the ability to present

How mindfulness, meditation, and breathwork get you there..

  • reduces mental chatter allowing you to connect with that “inner voice” or “gut feeling” that knows best
  • increases self-awareness which is necessary to change behaviors
  • improves emotional reactions to stimuli and triggers thus improving emotional regulation 
  • regulates nervous system dropping you into your parasympathetic nervous system
  • drops you into brainwaves that promote learning, creativity, problem solving, and new perspectives 

For years I felt meditation was out of reach for me and I wasn’t even sure what mindfulness was.  I would try meditating here and there (usually in a time of painful transition in my life) but usually felt frustrated that I couldn’t get my thoughts to stop. It wasn’t until I learned what meditation really is (it’s not getting rid of your thoughts),the difference between mindfulness and meditation, how they work together, and a simpler approach to meditation that it finally clicked for me and I started seeing the benefits in my life.


As I started to share about meditation with patients, I realized I wanted to receive formal training in meditation so I enrolled in a meditation teacher course with additional training in trauma awareness. It is now my mission to share the gift of meditation and guide others in implementing their own consistent practice.


From personal and professional experience, I believe that mindfulness is a practice that can be achieved by making it part of your daily routine. I will not just guide you in meditations and breathwork but will provide guidance on small, easy-to-implement habits that can support your journey towards inner peace and mindful living. These include simple meditations, breathwork, mindful breathing, belly breathing, and mind-body movement. 


My approach and how I got here...




I get how hard and intimidating meditating can be. After years of trying to “get it right” here are tips I have picked up along the way. 

Meditation is not a way of making your mind quiet. It is a way of entering into the
quiet that is already there.

Deepak Chopra

How this works...

Weekly Sessions:  We meet for 1:1 live virtual sessions for a minimum of 4 weeks. 

  • This can be  for 30 minutes twice weekly or 60  minutes once weekly.
  • 4 week commitment to start then option to transition to weekly/pay as you go

 Every Session Includes

  •  me guiding you in a meditation and or breathwork based on your personalized plan
  • me coaching you in how to implement these practices outside of our time together

Personalized Plan: Based on your current needs, you will receive a weekly mindfulness plan that includes meditations, breathwork, journal prompts, affirmations, and morning/evening routines.


Comprehensive Welcome Packet: Before we begin you will receive prompts and questionnaires to explore more about you so we can get the most out of our time together. 


Recorded Guided Meditations : All of our sessions will be recorded so you can revisit the meditations at anytime.

Lifetime Access to the Materials: You will have access to all recordings and materials via email or google drive. 


In Between Session Help: You will have access to me via email and text in between sessions for accountability and support.


Personalized Podcast and Book Recommendations: As I get to know you more, I will be sending these recommendations your way.


Discount on Additional Meditation Sessions: By signing up and completing the Mindset Reset Program, you will receive 20% off any additional meditation sessions.


Evening and Weekend Availability: Enjoy the option of evening and weekend appointment times.A


$ 380 for 4 weeks of sessions

Let's Chat

Book a Free Consult Call

This is a free no obligation 30 minute virtual meeting where we will discuss where you currently are, where you want to be, and if my coaching services are a good fit for you.

5 Minutes to ReCenter

A Guided Mantra Meditation

Mantra meditations are a great way to get started with meditation if you feel “my brain isn’t meant to meditate.” 

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Transform Your Mind, Body, and Spirit

With my Meditation Guidance program, you’ll learn how to reduce mental chatter and connect with your inner intuition. My 1:1 personalized approach includes meditation, breathwork, and mindful practices that will help you regulate emotions, improve sleep, and gain new perspectives on life. Let me help you develop a consistent meditation practice and achieve inner peace and clarity.

Happy Clients

Thank you for your coaching to me about my vision Sheila. Your grounded energy and calming presence helped me to be in my center. The meditations I experienced with your guidance supported me to regulate my nervous system. Your questions helped me to be clear about my next steps. The most important thing; thank you for being a safe container and creating a respectful place for me to be fully myself authentically with all of my colors. Looking forward to our next session to hear your calming voice and experiencing different meditations and breathwork with you. .
Free guide in return for subscribing to my newsletter

5 Tips to Make Meditation Easier

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