
Taking a Mindfulness Walk

Have you ever taken a walk to clear your head but then found yourself all wrapped up in the exact thoughts you were trying to escape from?  Or how about coming back from a walk that was supposed to re-energize you from a midday slump, only to find you don’t feel all that recharged or relaxed. Perhaps, you had some good music going and barely remember the walk you just took. Whatever, the reason, you just took a walk but missed out on the benefits of being present and keeping your head where your feet are. Frustrating, right?


Enter the concept of a mindfulness walk. Now don’t get me wrong, walking with music can be a great way to destress and re-energize. At times, the right music, mood, and surroundings can induce almost a spiritual like experience.  However, sometimes taking those AirPods out, and taking notice of the world around you can have the same effect. 


A mindfulness walk is slowing down (not necessarily figuratively but it can be) and using  your senses to take notice of what is around you. Here are some ways to practice engaging your senses while walking: 


1) LOOK UP. This can be to the sky to notice the color, clouds, or lack of clouds. This can be to the buildings, street lights, people, or anything that is above your usual line of sight. I have found some profound moments of inspiration and guidance from the universe by doing this. 


2) PEOPLE WATCH.  This taps into 2 universal human traits. We are the center of our own universe but are also naturally curious. It is easy to forget there are people around you going about their day just as you are. Taking a minute to watch the happenings around you can get you out of your own head and into the present. Who knows what you might see?!


3) LISTEN. Since you shouldn’t have your AirPods in right now, take note of the noises around you. It can be as simple as the sound of your feet hitting the ground or as complex as city noises. Perhaps you notice the slight noise your breath makes or the noise your clothes make as you walk.


4) SMELL. This one might feel a little tricker but give it a shot because you might be surprised. I guess depending on where you are walking, this could be pleasant or not so pleasant, but if you do smell something bad, at least that means you are present in the moment!


5) FEEL. Feel the sun or gentle breeze on your skin,  the crispness of the air, the hair on your neck, or how your clothes feel moving against your body. It might also be helpful to take a body scan starting in your feet and working your way up to your forehead. Without judging, just notice how different parts of your body feel while walking. 


Advantages of a Mindfulness Stroll

Reduces Stress

By focusing on the present moment, a mindfulness walk can help calm the racing thoughts that contribute to stress and anxiety. It can also help improve mood and overall sense of wellbeing.

Improves Heart

Regular walking can help improve cardiovascular health, but adding mindfulness to the mix can provide an extra boost. By practicing deep breathing and relaxation techniques while walking, you can help improve blood pressure and heart health.

Increases Awareness

By focusing on your body and surroundings during a mindfulness walk, you can become more aware of any physical tensions or imbalances. This can help you make adjustments to improve your posture and gait, leading to better overall physical health.

Enhances Practice

If you already practice mindfulness meditation, adding a mindfulness walk to your routine can help deepen your practice. By taking your meditation outside and incorporating movement, you can further hone your mindfulness skills and cultivate a deeper sense of presence.

Boosts Immunity

Spending time in nature and getting fresh air can help boost your immune system. By combining this with mindfulness techniques, you can further enhance your body's natural defenses.

Improves Sleep

By reducing stress and anxiety, improving physical health, and enhancing mindfulness practice, a mindfulness walk can also help improve sleep quality and duration.

At ReCenter Anywhere, I offer mindfulness and meditation coaching that can help improve focus, mental clarity, and the ability to respond to stressors and anxious thoughts with  peace. I will guide you through a personalized mindfulness program that suits your needs and goals. Begin your journey to emotional health by signing up for a free 30 minute consultation call. 

Sheila Stephens

Certified Health, Wellness, Meditation, Breathwork, and Culinary Coach

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Work with me- Meditation Coaching

Mindset Reset Program

Achieve a consistent meditation practice and experience peace, mental clarity, better sleep, and improved focus.  I will guide you in 1:1 live meditations but we will also work together so you can create and maintain your own consistent daily meditation and mindfulness practices.  By creating realistic ways to implement mindfulness and meditation into your life, you will discover how accessible they really is.